Business Start Ups

Established in 2007, HTH Accountants has worked successfully with new businesses, helping them to make the accounting side of their business less challenging and overwhelming so they can do what they do best.

Starting a New Business is a massive undertaking for anyone. For many, the Dream of owing and Running Your Own Business is Real

Starting a new business is no easy feat and at HTH Accountants, we are very experienced in all the ins and outs of business start-up – making sure you are tax and VAT compliant, your business structure is correct, helping you plan for business growth and raising finance, bookkeeping, introductions, advice and more.

Did you know that for every new business that starts this year it is likely that only 43% will still be going in a year’s time and only 20% in 5 years’ time.

Services & Advice

  • Select the best Legal Entity for your business
  • How to Register with the Authorities
  • Easy guide to the Essential Equations for Success
  • Tips on Writing a Business Plan
  • Understanding the Flow of Cash Essentials
Contact us if you would like to know more about our services