Changes to Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI)

Changes to Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI)

Changes for Employers
From 1 January 2024, employers will need to know whether their employee, who is aged between 66 and 70 and born after 1 January 1958, has been awarded the State Pension (Contributory) to assign the appropriate PRSI class.
Therefore, employers will need to confirm with any of their employees who are aged between 66 and 70 and born after 1 January 1958, whether they have been awarded the State Pension (Contributory). When a person is awarded the State Pension (Contributory) the letter from the Department of Social Protection advises them that if they continue to work after being awarded their State Pension (Contributory) it is important to inform their employer they are in receipt of State Pension (Contributory) to ensure they do not pay PRSI.

Changes for Employees
From 1 January 2024, employees aged between 66 and 70 and born after 1 January 1958 will continue to be liable for PRSI until such time as they are awarded the State Pension (Contributory) or reach age 70. Once an employee is awarded their State Pension (Contributory) and continues to work, it is vital that the person informs their employer to ensure they do not continue to pay PRSI (PRSI Class J will apply).

Changes for the Self-employed

From 1 January 2024, self-employed persons aged between 66 and 70 and born after 1 January 1958 will continue to be liable for PRSI until such time as they are awarded the State Pension (Contributory) or reach age 70. Once a self-employed person is awarded their State Pension (Contributory) and continues to work, they will not be liable for PRSI (PRSI Class M will apply).